Child Support Worksheet


  • This interactive worksheet is provided for informational purposes only. The user should independently verify that all entries and calculations generated by the interactive worksheet are correct before relying on its results or filing it with a court.
  • A non-custodial parent may pay more than their child support obligation, however, statute 40-4-11.1 does not provide a requirement that a custodial parent reimburse the non-custodial parent in this situation.
  • Rounding error protocols vary from application to application and may cause slightly different results.


At the end of this session a Basic Visitation Worksheet or a Shared-Responsibility Worksheet will be created that you can print.

















Child Support Worksheet
Case Number

This form asks for a case number. Either:

1. The Court Clerk will give you this information when you file your papers, and you will need to add this information by hand to your form later; or,

2. You already have an assigned case number. If so, enter it here:

















Child Support Worksheet


Select the county in New Mexico where the case will be filed:

















Child Support Worksheet

Information About the Mother

What is the mother's first name:

What is the mother's middle name:

What is the mother's last name:

















Child Support Worksheet

Definition: Petitioner or Respondent

When a case is filed, the person who files the case is called the Petitioner and the other person is the Respondent. Even if your case is uncontested and you are filing these papers together, one of you must choose to be the Petitioner and the other the Respondent. If you have already filed, look at your paperwork to find out if you are Petitioner or Respondent.

Is the mother the petitioner or respondent?

















Child Support Worksheet

Information About the Father

What is the father's first name:

What is the father's middle name:

What is the father's last name:

















Child Support Worksheet

Definition: Custodial Parent

The custodial parent is the parent who has the child(ren) more of the time. If each of you have the child(ren) 50% of the time, choose one of you to be the custodial parent.

Who is the custodial parent?

















Child Support Worksheet

Definition: Gross Monthly Income

Includes all income, except TANF, Food Stamps and Supplemental Security Income. If a parent pays child support by court order to other children, subtract that amount from gross income. Use current income if steady. If income varies a lot from month to month, use an average of the last twelve months, if available, or last year's income tax return.

Note: for more information see N.M.S.A, section 40-4-11.1. CHILD SUPPORT; GUIDELINES.

















Child Support Worksheet

Gross Monthly Income

What is the gross monthly income of the custodial parent?

What is the gross monthly income of the other parent?

















Child Support Worksheet

Number of Children

What is/are the number of children involved? (enter a number between 1 and 6)

















Child Support Worksheet

Child(ren)'s Health and Dental Insurance Premium

What is/are the child(ren)'s health and dental insurance premium paid by the custodial parent?

What is/are the child(ren)'s health and dental insurance premium paid by the other parent?

















Child Support Worksheet

Work-Related Child Care

Enter the cost paid by each parent for work-related child care. If the cost varies (for example, between school year and summer), take the total yearly cost and divide by 12.

Note: for more information see N.M.S.A. section 40-4-11.1(H)

What is the work-related child care payment of the custodial parent?

What is the work-related child care payment of the other parent?

















Child Support Worksheet

Definition: Additional Expense

The child support may also include the payment of the following expenses not covered by the basic child support obligation:

  • any extraordinary medical, dental and counseling expenses incurred on behalf of the child(ren) of the parties. Such extraordinary expenses are uninsured expenses in excess of one hundred dollars ($100) per child per year;
  • any extraordinary educational expenses for the child(ren) of the parties; and
  • transportation and communication expenses necessary for long distance visitation or time sharing.

Note: for more information see N.M.S.A. section 40-4-11.1(I). CHILD SUPPORT; GUIDELINES

















Child Support Worksheet

Additional Expenses

What are the additional expenses of the custodial parent?

What are the additional expenses of the other parent?

















Child Support Worksheet

Number of 24 Hour Days with Each Parent (must total 365)

How many 24 hour days out of 365 is/are the child(ren) with the mother?

How many 24 hour days out of 365 is/are the child(ren) with the father?

















Child Support Worksheet


That's all the information that we need to create your Child Support Worksheet.

  • Click Back to review your work.
  • Click Create Form to create your form.
  • After creating your form, print it by clicking Print Page near the top of the screen.